
Epidural Ozone Injection

An epidural ozone injection is a minimally invasive procedure that can help relieve neck, arm, back, leg pain and other pain conditions. An epidural ozone injection is performed to reduce the inflammation and pain associated with nerve root compression. Nerve roots can be compressed by a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, and bone spurs, when the nerve is compressed it becomes inflamed, this can lead to pain, numbness, tingling or weakness along the nerve. The goal of the epidural ozone injection is to lessen the inflammation in different pain conditions.

Why Epidural Ozone Injection?

Narrowing of the spinal passages can occur due to a variety of causes, including disc herniations, bone spurs, thickening of the ligaments in the spine, joint cysts, or even abnormal alignment of the vertebrae. The epidural space is a fat filled ‘sleeve’ that surrounds the spinal sac and provides cushioning for the nerves and spine. Ozone placed into the epidural space have a very effective anti-inflammatory action that can decrease pain and allow patients to improve function, although epidural injection do not change the underlying condition, they can break the cycle of pain and inflammation and allow the body to compensate for the condition.

Procedure performed by?

Physicians who perform epidural ozone injections are physiatrists (PM&R), radiologists, anesthesiologists, neurologists, and surgeons.

Epidural Ozone Injection Procedure:

Epidural Ozone Injection procedure is done in the following way:

  • Your dress is changed into a gown.
  • You then lie on an x-ray table with the help of medical staff in correct position. If you are not comfortable, you can either sit up or lie in a curled position.
  • The medical staff cleans the area of your back where the needle will be inserted. Medicine may be used to numb the area. Medicine is given to help you relax.
  • The doctor inserts a needle into the target area. Doctor uses real-time images displayed in the X-Ray machine to help guide the needle to the correct spot.
  • A mixture of ozone and numbing medicine is injected. This medicine decreases pressure on the larger nerves around your spine and helps relieve pain. This numbing medicine can also identify the painful nerve.
  • The procedure is not usually painful. It is important not to shake or disturb the position during the procedure because the injection needs to be very precise.
  • You are under observation for 15 to 20 minutes after the injection before going home.

After Treatment :

Most patients can walk immediately after the procedure. You can leave the center after 12 to 20 minutes of observation period. Rarely temporary leg weakness or numbness can occur; therefore someone should drive you home.

Typically patients can resume full activity the very next day. Ice can be used to reduce the soreness round the injected area.

You may want to record your levels of pain during the next couple of weeks in a diary. You will notice a slight increase in pain, numbness, or weakness as the numbing medicine wears off and before the epidural injection starts to take effect.

Patients should schedule a follow-up appointment with the physician after the procedure to document the efficacy and address any concerns with the treatments.

What are the results?

Mostly patients experience pain relief benefits from Epidural Ozone Injection. For those who experience only mild pain relief, one or two more injections may be performed, usually in 1 to 4 week intervals, to achieve full effect.







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